Become partner

Add value to your project or community by becoming a partner.

Join the partner program

Join the partner program

You are a content creator, owner of a high influence game server, owner of a website, an innovative project or a community ? Boost your audience with Hosterfy by becoming a partner !

Trust relationship

Hosterfy takes a special interest with partners relationships. We see this as a trusting relationship where everyone wins. If you think you can bring visibility or interesting benefits please fill out the form below.

General informations

The partnership

What do you ask ?

What do you offer in return ?

Your main networks/sites

My commitments to Hosterfy

Hosterfy is first of all a hosting company that wants to offer the best performance to its customers, that's a real commitment to quality.

As a partner, you are our showcase and we expect from you a real involvement as well as professionalism, we will do the same on our side so that the partnership is fair for everyone. In any case, we are ready to answer to your questions.

Hosterfy Web hosting, Cloud and Game servers

Hosterfy is a hosting company offering various high-end hosting solutions to its customers.